When I decided to uncomplicate my life, you know what was the first thing I did? I bought a basic Candybar Nokia mobile. Since then 45% of the problems got automatically solved. I really can't get the idea of spending tens of thousands of rupees on a smartphone that is going to make you dumb. Instead I decided to get smart myself rather than spending money on an overrated lousy electronic gadget. Yes! I'd prefer to call it lousy because it can't make a joke of its own when you are low on a Monday morning. It only reminds me of the impending meetings I have, the long to-do list which I only keep snoozing. Most of times, I set a reminder on the phone only avoid the guilty feeling, because anyway don't do things before the last day. NOKIA.. phones so simple as the way it is spelled. Apart of the embarrassment it causes when you travel in the train sitting next to a bunch of elders, who share their experiences with their Galaxy S4s and iPhones and why Android versions are named after desserts.
Smartphones were invented with the idea of improving the productivity of a person in their daily life. But all I could see now is people playing dumbest of all games like Templerun and Subway Surfer, which requires just the brain of the fish to play it. Then, there are other set of problems where you are required keep on updating the apps, plug it to the charger every time the power gets below 40% and the constant worry that the phone doesn't have a camera, good enough to take the snap of Jupiter on the day it gets close to the orbit of Earth.
In those good old days, phones were invented to speak to the near and dear ones who were far off, but how often have we used them to avoid people nowadays by staring at the phone when you encounter your ever inquisitve neighbour who is at the verge of finding out that you are working for peanuts. We are now sophisticated enough to speak to a person miles apart, but lost the courtesy of sharing our day at office to our parents at home.